5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using a Mother Board

New hardware projects are coming to the market every day, and manufacturers are always trying new things with old components. For example, instead of using a separate microprocessor for tasks such as monitoring sensors or handling communication, some engineers have taken to integrating those functions directly into their main boards. These auxiliary microcontrollers are termed “mother boards” because they essentially give birth to other smaller circuit boards. Another advantage of a mother board is that it allows you to reuse the same microcontroller or other integrated chipset across multiple designs. In this article we will explain why you should consider using a mother board in your next hardware project and highlight five advantages of doing so.

How a Mother Board Works

Mother boards are essentially super boards that a designer can reuse across many products by simply plugging in different daughter boards. This is possible because a mother board usually has a common integrated circuit (IC) that can access all of the other ICs or sensors on the board. In order to use a mother board to its full potential, it is important to understand its architecture. In a single processor architecture, the main processor is connected to the sensors and other circuits via a series of digital buses that can perform different functions. This type of architecture allows the main processor to handle all of the tasks that are necessary to run the board, while the other smaller ICs can be programmed with specific functions. This “one board to rule them all” approach is not new and has been used in a number of hardware projects over the years.

Continuous Development

Building a single hardware design with a mother board can help you to streamline your product development by using the same microcontroller or other integrated ICs for different functions. This allows engineers to leverage previous work and use the same software to test each new design. There are many advantages to using the same ICs across multiple designs, including lower costs due to economies of scale, a faster development life cycle, and the ability to re-use existing designs. Mother boards can also allow you to develop prototypes faster by using one or two ICs for the core functionality and then adding additional sensors and ICs later. For example, you can use a single IC to handle communication and another to handle sensors, and then add a third IC to add additional functionality to your prototype. This can save you a lot of time compared to designing a completely new board that has all of the required functions integrated on it.

Proven Track Record

Since mother boards use the same ICs across multiple designs, you can track the performance of those ICs and determine if they are the right fit for your next hardware project. This can be very useful when choosing sensors or other ICs that may have an impact on the reliability and accuracy of your design. For example, if you are creating a new smart home device and want to use a microphone, you can look at how other engineers have used that microphone in their designs. Mother boards can also allow you to track the performance of various manufacturers and distributors so you can determine which ones are best for your design. You can also use the data that other engineers have shared about their mother boards to determine how well your design will function and estimate any potential issues that may arise. This can save you a lot of time by eliminating the need to test various sensors and ICs in your own hardware designs.

Ease of Designing and Manufacturing

One of the biggest advantages of using a mother board in your hardware project is that you can easily customize it for your specific design. For example, you can select the exact location for the sensors or the number of buses that you need on the board. You can also select the size, type, and quantity of other ICs that you need to fit your specific design. While it is generally easier to design with a mother board than with a separate microcontroller, it is important to understand the limitations of the design that you are using. For example, if you are using a latch to store sensor readings, then you need to make sure that the sensor reading process can be completed before the next reading is taken. Mother boards can also make the manufacturing process easier because manufacturers can ensure that they are making boards with the correct specifications and layout. This can help to reduce the risk of defects and improve quality.


Mother boards are an excellent way to get the most out of your hardware. They have the potential to reduce design time, simplify manufacturing, and provide a more consistent user experience thanks to the built-in sensors and modules. For example, a mother board might include a microphone to capture audio as well as a speaker to play back audio messages.